In this article we will:
- use Metamask wallet to connect to Ethereum's Sepolia test network
- add USDC token on Sepolia testnet so that you can receive the USDC from the trades you complete in Coinify's Sandbox environment
The goal is to enable to you complete the Trades in Coinify's Sandbox environment and to receive the testnet USDC to your wallet.
Follow the next steps to get set up:
- You can find the tutorial on how to install a Metamask Browser extension or Mobile app here.
- Once you have Metamask set up and are able to access it, continue with the steps on this page to add a connection to the Sepolia testnet on your Metamask wallet. Make sure that the chain ID is 11155111 before clicking the
Add to Metamask
- Once added, in Metamask, on top left network menu, click and select Sepolia to switch to the Sepolia test network:
4. Now, we will add Coinify's USDC token contract to the Sepolia testnet:
- On the default screen (while on Sepolia network), click on
+ Import tokens
- Paste our USDC token address
in theToken contract address
box. It should automatically detect the name and number of decimals. Click onAdd custom token
- confirm adding the USDC token by clicking on the
Import token
And that’s about it. Use your Metamask wallet address (displayed on the top of the browser extension) and provide it as a destination address when creating a trade in the Sandbox environment:
Once the trade completes, you’ll receive the relevant webhook and Sepolia USDC in your wallet.