The easiest way to receive payments from your customers without the need of any technical integration is to use Coinify Invoices. Your customers simply receive an email with a direct link to your invoice.
To be able to request payments with Coinify Invoices you need to have a Coinify Merchant Account, if you don't have one yet - Sign up for a Coinify Merchant Account here
For more details on the sign up process read: "Merchant sign up flow"
Requesting payments from your customers with Coinify Invoices:
1. Log In to your Merchant Account.
2. Go to "Invoices" .
3. Click on "New Invoice".
4. Fill in the Customer details in the Invoice form. It is obligatory to state the customer's email address and name or business name. Click on "Create and Send Invoice".
VIDEO: See how to fill in the invoice details and send it to the customer.
5. At the next screen, you will see an additional option to send the invoice by a link - "Permalink".
Simply copy the link and send it to your customer, if you prefer to send it directly or in your own formatted email.
What Will Your Customers See
1. They will receive an Email from Coinify with the invoice number and the name of your company in the subject.
2. When they open the email, they will be able to see a preview of the invoice and a button "View and pay the invoice".
3. When they click the button they will see the invoice with all details and an option to pay - "Pay Invoice Now".
4. Next, they will see a the Coinify hosted payment window and will be able to pay with their preferred cryptocurrency wallet. For further details read "How to pay with Cryptocurrency"
Once the payment has been completed successfully they will see a payment confirmation screen.
Where Can you Find Information About Your Invoices
1. Go to "Invoices".
2. There you will find a list of all invoices you have issued with their details - ID, Issue Date, Customer Name, Total, Status.